Technical Innovation Communications (TIC) Provide design backup & Disaster recovery services easy for you with virtualization, Virtual machines have made duplication and retrieval easy and reliable. Change the way you handle disaster recovery with a complete make-over of your processes and approach.
Now no need to go in for steps such as get a new server, re-installed all systems hoping for restoration, have a standby in case of an emergency and many other options to deal with recovery and disaster. Now let go of these traditional ways and adapt the new in virtualization.
Virtualization eases your backup process by simply creating an image of the backup machine, data, software etc. We help you achieve this with complete solutions for your organization.
There is no need to rebuild a server with virtualization. Any other virtual environment is good enough for replication.
Naturally with no extra hardware, installations required you save a lot of costs with virtualization for backup and disaster recovery.
With virtualization, disaster recovery is cheaper than before and lot easier to achieve.
We offer the latest and multiple options in providing including VMware, Microsoft Hyper-V etc. offering various levels of options for virtualization.
It’s best that you go for a single vendor rather than going to multiple vendors when it comes to getting the right solutions for backup and recovery.